We are not emotionalists. That means
we do not believe the Bible simply when we experience something emotionally.
Most people today believe something to be true only if they feel it is true.
True worship is worship which makes us feel a certain way. Many Christians approach the Scriptures, both
the reading and preaching of them, the same way. If I experience a good feeling
when I read the Bible then what I read spoke to me. Otherwise it did not. Christians
are to believe and obey the Bible whether or not we feel it to be true. Truth precedes and shapes our emotions. If
our feelings object to certain truths in the Scriptures, we need to change our
feelings, not reject or change the Scriptures. This is not to reject emotion, but rather to say that our emotions are sinful and need to governed by
God’s Word.
We are not rationalists. That means
we do not subject all of life to reason. There is nothing reasonable about God
becoming man. The Trinity is not rational.
A virgin bearing a child does not make sense to us. There are many
things in Scripture which are not rational. In the 1700’s men began to place
God’s Word underneath reason. All of the
sudden miracles were explained away and eventually Jesus became less than God. This
also led to the modern rejection of the Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s
Supper. To the modern mind these just do not make sense. As those who believe the Bible we must make
reason bend to the Bible, not vice-versa.
This does not mean that we do not use our mind. We are to honor God with our mind. But that means our mind must always be shaped by the Word.
Finally, not only must our mind and our emotions be shaped by God’s Word, but our actions
must be also. Often the things we do and why we do them are influenced by the
world more than by Scripture. This world could be the home we grew up in, the books
we read, the friends we hang out with or the movies we watch. Usually the influence from these various
worlds lurks beneath the surface. We do not recognize that our actions flow
from the corrupted river of the world. Holy Scripture splashes us with cold
water reminding us when we are living like the world instead growing up into
Christ. We should constantly be asking, "Am I walking in the ways of God?" The
only way we know the answer to that question is by studying God’s Word.
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